Board Of Supervisors To Vote On WECS Ordinance

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Wind Turbines near a house in Wisconsin

The Board of Supervisors will soon be voting on the WECS Ordinance. There will be three public meetings on Wednesday May 15, May 22 and May 29 at 7:00 pm at the Brandon Community Center. You will be able to express your opinion on the WECS Ordinance before the vote. Each speaker will have three minutes to talk. The three Supervisors will vote on each Wednesday after listening to the audience speak. At least two passing votes are needed each time to progress the WECS to the next vote. The third vote is final. It is imperative that people attend all three meetings to let your voice be heard by the Board.

The P&Z Commission has worked long and hard to put regulations and setbacks in place that will protect non-participating landowners and public conservation lands from devastating and permanent effects, one of which can be the DESTRUCTION OF YOUR WELL AND WATER CONTAMINATION. Setbacks are vitally important! Copies of the WECS are available at the County Auditor’s office.

According to the Choose Energy Data Center, Iowa is already home to 6,345 individual wind turbines. That number will soon rise considerably. If you are still unsure where you stand on fields of wind turbines in Buchanan County, please visit our home page and read the facts.

If you are unable to attend the public meetings, please email or call the members of your Board of Supervisors and tell them you support the new WECS regulations and ask them to do the same. Email links can also be found on our Web site and on the Buchanan County website.

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I'm a freelance writer who has published multiple technical books on computer programming, software engineering, and UNIX administration. I'm also a long time resident of rural Buchanan County who owns and takes care of rescue horses. I am interested in preserving our rural farm land for the future of both our children and our animals.

One thought on “Board Of Supervisors To Vote On WECS Ordinance

  1. The last time this happened, NextEra did not want people to know what was happening, so we were not aware. Because pro wind people made their voices heard with no opposition, the WECS was voted down. We can’t let this happen again. Attend the meetings and be heard. It’s three Wednesday evenings that will affect the rest of your lives and the generations to come. The Board must pass this WECS all three times for it to be adopted. Please don’t walk away from this opportunity to help protect your safety and the irreplaceable farmland of Buchanan County. Three Wednesday evenings, that’s all. Please attend and speak up in favor of the WECS.

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