Wind Energy Bill SF-376 Makes It Through Subcommittee Thanks to Crony Capitalism

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Crony CapitalismBREAKING: March 4th, Des Moines, Iowa

Today, Senators Mike Klimesh, (R, Winneshiek County, District 32), Mike Bousselot (R, Polk County, District 21), and Izaah Knox (D, Polk County, District 17) all voted to unanimously ignore the overwhelming will of the citizens of Iowa and instead accept payouts from wind energy companies. After only 30 minutes of discussion, all three voted to move forward with an insanely irresponsible bill introduced by wind energy companies that strips ALL local control of siting of wind turbines in their counties and hands it over to big state government. Worse, this bill is so broadly written that it effectively allows wind energy companies to put as many turbines as they want, wherever they want, and there is absolutely nothing that local counties can do to stop them as long as they can get landowners to sign on! One only needs read the comments on this proposed bill to know that Iowans—including most farmers—were overwhelmingly against it. There is literally not even one comment supporting it! But this didn’t matter to these three crony capitalist senators who were paid off by big wind energy companies.

When I say that these senators were paid off by big wind companies? Well, it is worth pointing out a few facts here that we already know when it comes to corporate campaign contributions. There will almost surely be more to come.

Mike Klimesh received:

  • $3,000 from NextEra
  • $12,000 from Associated General Contractors of Iowa PAC
  • $10,000 from Kurt Croell, northeast Iowa Croell, Inc. A top concrete and aggregate multi-state supplier
  • $3,500 from Alliant Energy Employee’s Iowa PAC
  • $1750.00 from ITC Holdings Corp PAC, Power grid company (utility lines and poles)
  • $1,500.00 from Midamerican Energy Company PAC — another big wind energy company in Iowa

Those are just ones we know out about right now that he got from wind energy companies / utility companies and contractors who could benefit to push this through with no care at all for what the people of Iowa actually want.

In a world dominated by lawyers where bills are typically a hundred pages or more? This one is only twelve pages long. Literally twelve pages. And again, it gives big wind energy companies basically free reign to put up as many wind turbines as they want, wherever they want, and there is nothing local counties can do to stop them.

These three senators are textbook examples of government corruption at work in our state. They are crony capitalists who are 100% in the pockets of big corporations and couldn’t care less what their actual constituents think.

Make no mistake, this is total war for the future of Iowa, the future of agriculture in Iowa, preserving our way of life, and protecting ourselves from encroachment of big corporate interests on our rural way of life. It is more important now than ever that every concerned citizen in Iowa gets involved and ensures that SF-376 does not pass. None of you are safe if this bill actually passes. Because if it does? There will be nothing you can do to stop wind turbines, and nothing you can do to restore farmland that will be destroyed by wind energy companies effectively nuking our soil.

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I'm a freelance writer who has published multiple technical books on computer programming, software engineering, and UNIX administration. I'm also a long time resident of rural Buchanan County who owns and takes care of rescue horses. I am interested in preserving our rural farm land for the future of both our children and our animals.

One thought on “Wind Energy Bill SF-376 Makes It Through Subcommittee Thanks to Crony Capitalism

  1. The Public Health Issues are being totally ignored. Sound and Infrasound issues, only way to deal with this is by proper setbacks of 1.5 miles from Turbines to property line of nonpartisipants neighbors.
    The sound REHS should be 40 DbA during day and 30 DbA at night hours. Wind Turbine Syndrome is real, tennitis, HBP, Arithmia, Heart issues, sleepless nights, head aches,
    Just to name a few of the symptoms. The World Health Organization has recommendation that are seriously overlooked by most.
    Public Health should be the most important issue dealing with Wind and Solar issues.

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