This morning, several of us from Buchanan County attended a townhall that included Senator Klimesh, who was the main force behind Bill SF 376. He very adamantly stated that he will be introducing Bill 376 every year (different number each year) until it passes on the premise of not being able to tell someone what they can do with their land. I asked if I could put up a heavy metal band venue on my rural property and he said there are ordinances against that. Hmmmm. Ordinances are ok for some but not for others. He simply doesn’t care about the problems, health or otherwise, caused by turbines or about safety and setbacks.
And, remember when the subcommittee was going to meet and many of us (approx. 180 of us) took the time to write our comments so the subcommitee would know how we feel? All comments, btw, were opposed to this bill. Senator Klimesh was asked this morning if anyone actually read those comments. He was silent. Enough said.
Several weeks ago, I asked our Rep. Craig Johnson if he was in favor of this bill. He said he was because he thought it was a good bill. After all, it included the counties in the decision making process. No, Rep. Johnson, it does not. However, I think I understand how he came to that conclusion. Our representatives have tons (and I do mean tons) of bills that come before them during these sessions. They can’t (and don’t) read them all. So, to make life easier, each bill is summarized for them. The problem is that sometimes the summary doesn’t reflect the bill – at all. That would be the case with SF376. It doesn’t sound all that bad in summary. In reality? Not so much. It truly does take away ALL county rights to decide what is good for that particular county. Buchanan County is not Madison County is not Polk County …. You get the picture.
Senator Klimesh is an arrogant bully. This is not just my observation and opinion. I’ve heard this from several people who have had the misfortune to converse with him. He has and is vehemently supporting this bill and will continue to do so. Why? Does he really think landowners who want turbines have more rights than those of us who don’t want them affecting our health, bringing down our property values, falling into our fields or yards (often while they are on fire), spreading fiberglass across our land, ruining our peace and our sleep, all while we were here first? It has even been suggested that nonparticipating landowners take out extra insurance to protect themselves against damage done by the neighbor’s failed turbines. And, of course, there’s always that eminent domain for the power lines to go across the neighbor’s field. I don’t begrudge farmers extra money. I just believe they should find a way to accomplish that without harming all of their neighbors.
Bottom line: If you know anyone who lives and votes in Senator Klimesh’s district, please pass this info along. He needs to be voted out.