Wednesday, Des Moines: We won again this time. SF 376 died in the commerce committee and cannot move forward. I’d like to say we have finally truly won and local control is safe, but sadly, I cannot. This bill, or ones very similar to it that try to completely take away local control are gonna keep coming up every year until the wind energy companies finally get their way. So we need to constantly keep a close eye on this stuff and what corrupt legislators are trying to push through. Please do not lose vigilance!
Praise be! I wrote a letter (yes, as in paper, envelope, postage stamp!) to my state rep and senator on this issue. My rep responded forthwith that he wasn’t in favor of this proposal if it made it to the house. He didn’t think it would go anywhere and obviously he was right. This time. But we gotta’ be vigilant on this issue.
Thank you for your efforts. Klimesh made it clear today at a meeting in Arlington that he intends to introduce this bill again every chance he gets. He is a first term senator. We need to make sure his first term is his last term.
On March 9th of last year at the town hall meeting in Arlington, Klimesh said he was in favor of local control and was simply presenting Bill 3169 (almost a direct clone of SF 376), but was not in favor of it. Wonder what changed his mind.