Wind Energy companies like to claim that wind turbines take up very little farm land. But do they really? The following map, with Iowa highlighted in red, shows the density of wind turbines in Iowa compared to the rest of the country.

This map clearly shows just how much Iowa farm land has already been lost to wind turbines. And yet, there are no fewer than three large wind turbine projects either being constructed in Iowa right now, or considered for construction. One of them includes the massive 1,000+ turbine Wind XI project. If constructed, it will span multiple counties and be, by far, the largest wind turbine project in America.
Iowa has already sacrificed enough for the rush to carbon-free, so called “green energy.” It’s time for Iowans to say enough is enough.
I get a little sick and tired of the folks who make fun of people that do not want wind turbines in their neighborhood, jokingly calling them NIMBYS. When the “REAL” NIMBYS are the people living in the cities, the politicians, the lobbyists and corporations like NextEra who will never have to put up with these wind turbines in their front or back hard; yet they are OK with ramming them down the throats of the “hayseed” folks in the rural areas. Also, many of the people that sign leases for wind turbines on their property will not actually live on the same property where the turbines will be located. That makes them NIMBYS as well.