Driving towards the Chickasaw County Wind Energy construction site between New Hampton and Alta Vista in Iowa, one could be forgiven for thinking they might have passed through some kind of invisible portal and ended up on the surface of another planet. After all, the landscape here resembles a photograph taken by one of NASA’s Mars rovers far more than it does the fertile agricultural land of Iowa.
But such is the devastation of wind turbine construction. Land that was once covered in rows and rows of corn as tall as a man, or rich with acres upon acres of green soybeans, is now covered in desert-like terrain, dune-like hills of sand, and craters that look like the surface of a planet bombarded with meteorites. Indeed, this photo, shows the destruction caused by installing the base for just one turbine. Before this is all over, there will be 66 of these bomb-like craters perforating the ground in Chickasaw County. And that’s assuming that the size of the project doesn’t grow beyond its stated 66 turbines. We know from experience that this is usually not the case. Like parasites, wind farm projects tend to multiply well beyond their initial planned size once they have a foot in the door.
Also dotting the fields are enormous spools of heavy orange cable, which connect the wind turbines together and serve as the feeder lines. These all have to be buried, of course.

While driving down one of the gravel country roads, we came across a massive job site. My first thought was that it was a permanent company because of its shear size and the amount of large equipment. But permanent companies don’t usually have what appears to be temporary housing for crews. There was a Blattner Energy trailer on site. Blattner is a construction company headquartered in Minnesota and employs their own full crews. They specialize in wind and solar. One has to assume that they bring their construction crews with them to a job site and they stay in the temporary housing provided, not in local hotels.

If you want to see the lunacy of all this green energy, watch Michael Moore’s documentary called The Planet of the Humans. It is an eye opener about how we are actually killing the planet by putting in green energy.
You got to be kidding me! What a BS article . If you don’t like it go buy some land. Otherwise, let the farmers decide what they want to do with their land. The employees don’t live in the yard. They live in the towns in hotels, trailer parks, houses and apartments. Why don’t you go talk to the local community and actually see how much hotel business and local business they support. Better yet stop at the construction office and get an education. Fixing drainage tile and reclaiming topsoil are just simple processes that happen all the time. The revenue the farmers get will help as a supplement in years where crops fail due to poor weather or storms.
Well, first of all, farmers have crop insurance that is subsidized by the USDA. So the claim that wind turbines are needed to supplement farmer income in years where crops fail is a nonstarter. Farmers already get reimbursed for crop losses caused by storms or unexpectedly low market value.
Second, nuisance law is a very well established part of our legal system. Farmers are free to do what they want with their own land within reason as long as it does not cause undue disturbance to their neighbors. As an analogy, if you lived on a piece of land, and I lived next to you, would you be okay with me opening an all night outdoor heavy metal venue 1,200 feet from your house? Or opening an outdoor 24-hour shooting range 1,200 feet from your house?
A civilized society clearly has to place some limits on what people can do with their own property if it is going to adversely affect their neighbors. This is a legal precedent that dates back to before the birth of Jesus since even Rome recognized this.
Finally, most people can’t afford to buy 1,000+ acres of land to avoid having wind turbines butting up against their property. I can’t, and I doubt you can either. Basic human rights are not, and should not be based on whether you have enough money to buy enough land to completely isolate yourself from your neighbors out of fear of what they might do with their land 10 years down the road.
Tim- Not kidding. No BS. So if some wind developer places wind turbines next to my property line, my home, my animals; I should just up and move and buy some land elsewhere. Wow, that sounds so simple. No, you have to be kidding me. What that farmer does with his land does have some limitations as to how it affects his neighbors. You implied that the employees must be coming from out of state. So when the job is finished in a few months, they will be moving on. Any locals, if hired, will also be done in a few months. Nothing exactly permanent there. If it weren’t for the billions of dollars of government subsidies (our taxpayer dollars), the wind developers wouldn’t even try. Just ask Warren Buffet. Jubilee Wind for Buchanan County will be the same thing all over again.
WOW! Drama much? I must say you do have a flair for it. You should probably get a view point of someone who has allowed the company to put a turbine on their property. I can only imagine that they are well compensated for their lands and the crops that were disrupted. Have you ever asked what becomes of all the road expansions when the project is finished?
Have you asked the local motels in the community about their revenue?
Have you asked local retailers if there has been an increase in their sales?
Is there a recovery system in place for re establishing the topsoil?
One would think that a company that has been in business this long has a good system in place for all the points you so dramatically stated.
There are always 2 sides to every scenario.
We actually have gotten opinions from a lot of people who have allowed turbines on their land, including some who allowed it and now wish they had not done so, but cannot get them removed because they are locked into 30 year contracts they can’t get out of.
You might check the 30 year contract, in most cases it’s a total of 90 years.
Hey Dawn perhaps you should read about three Wisconsin farmers who have regrets for entering into leases with wind developers. See for yourself by checking out the link below.
Or maybe you would like to see some pictures shown in the link below showing how the land is chopped up and how much land is lost for farming. How about some pictures that show homes that are impacted by wind turbines, which will result in property values dropping, and in some cases making them unsalable. http://betterplan.squarespace.com/better-plan-slideshow/
Here are two stories of the adverse effects of wind turbines shown in the following link.
What a great article Bonnie!!!! But it also makes me sad and depressed. I feel ashamed to admit I never gave a second thought to wind farms until its coming to our county. My heart just aches for all these people in Iowa who are dealing with this invasion of their health and welfare and the land!!
I know how you feel. I felt the same way, as I think most people in not just America, but all over the world feel. Most people, including me, never gave any serious thought to how much destruction industrial wind turbines actually cause to local communities until they find themselves in the situation we are in now. All of us bought into the “green energy, saving the planet” propaganda that has been promoted by both the wind energy companies and the government. It’s only after they want to put them in our back yards that we start seriously looking into it and find out just how much of a scam wind energy is, and how many lies we have been told about it. And it’s not just an American scam. It’s a worldwide scam.
Unfortunately the “green energy, saving the planet” propaganda is a big part of a much bigger plan. It has been planned for decades and officialy started being implemented onto the public in 2020 with Covid. They have changed the name of it to The Great Reset , you can look up Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum. Several books have been written about it and countless videos and commentaries in alternative media. All the systems of the world are working towards it.
Also unfortunately wind farms and solar are a big part of it and Iowa is a big target. Just look at the MISO grid queue for our state and the proposed projects being planned and currently built. When you combine that with the wind farms THAT WE ALREADY HAVE (Iowa is #2 in the nation) it is just very disheartening.
I for one have never bought into any of it. Not BIG Pharma, BIG Ag, BIG Food, BIG Entertainment, or BIG Energy. I am for small communities working together to provide a healthy fulfilling life.